A shared passion
Harvest Update – 20/12/21
December 20, 2021

Grain receivals (tonnes) at GrainCorp up-country sites as at 20 December 2021

 Since last reportTotal
New South Wales1,377,6705,968,900
Total grain receivals2,022,32010,358,290

[1] Includes 2021 winter crop receivals prior to 1 October 2021.


  • This week the GrainCorp network recorded the biggest week of receivals of the season so far – taking in over two million tonnes of grain – to result in the network surpassing 10 million tonnes of receivals in total.
  • Large grain outload program continues across the entire network to create capacity for more receivals, with up to 300,000 tonnes of grain being outloaded per week.
  • Queensland winter harvest now mostly complete as growers turn their attention to the summer crop opportunities.
  • Harvest receival activity slowed across the weekend with rain across most clusters, but well underway again today.
  • Southern NSW and Victorian harvest will continue into January 2022:
    • Primary areas of receival activity have been the Wyalong cluster, in SNSW, and the north east region of Victoria.
    • Some Victorian sites are starting to fill, with communications to growers underway – growers should contact their local Site Manager for further information.
  • The GrainCorp team would like to thank our growers for their support and patience throughout the season so far and wish growers, their families and communities across Australia a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Next Harvest Update: 4 January 2022

Media enquiries.

Sophie Harrison

Corporate Affairs Advisor

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