GrainCorp Standard Purchase Terms – New Zealand


Unless otherwise agreed in writing by GrainCorp (including in any formal supply agreement entered into by GrainCorp and the Supplier):
a) these Purchase Terms (as varied from time to time) and the relevant Order will govern the purchase of Goods and/or Services by GrainCorp from the Supplier; and
b) if there is any inconsistency (whether expressly referred to or to be implied from these Purchase Terms or otherwise) between the provisions of these Purchase Terms and those of any document of the Supplier, the provisions of these Purchase Terms prevail to the extent of inconsistency.
c) Goods and/or Services and their provision are purchased on the basis that the Supplier asserts its expertise to undertake all requirements of the Order and has full notice of the purpose for which GrainCorp requires them.


In these Purchase Terms:

Controlled Entity means any entity subject to the control of another entity within the terms of section 50AA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);
Delivery Date means the delivery date of the Goods and/or Services to the Delivery Location and delivery terms specified on the Order;
Delivery Location means the location for delivery specified on the Order;
Delivery Terms mean the relevant Incoterms 2020 (or outdated term if inadvertently used), where specified on the Order;
Goods and/or Services means the goods and/or services specified in the Order for supply by the Supplier to GrainCorp
GrainCorp means the company from the GrainCorp Group set out in any Order or other document relating to a purchase by or on behalf of that company;

GrainCorp Group means GrainCorp Limited and each of its Controlled Entities; 
GST means goods and services tax and has the same meaning given in the GST Act;
GST Act is a reference to New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 as amended;

Insolvent means where a party becomes insolvent, ceases to carry on business or has a receiver, administrator, liquidator, or trustee in bankruptcy appointed in respect of it or any similar event;
Intellectual Property Rights includes, but is not limited to, present and future rights in trademarks, trade names, copyright, patents, designs, business names, brands, logos, inventions, Specifications, formulations, tools, trade secrets, and know how, whether or not registered or registrable anywhere in the world;
Order means any purchase order issued by or other documents authorising purchase on behalf of GrainCorp;
Specifications means all specifications provided by GrainCorp or agreed to by the Supplier in relation to the Goods and/or Services, including those provided prior to the date of these Purchase Terms and the Order;
Supplier means the person or entity specified as the supplier on the Order;

Supplier Code of Conduct means the document entitled “Supplier Code of Conduct” published on the GrainCorp Group’s website at <> and as amended from time to time;
Tools means dies, tools, gauges, fixtures, drawings, printings, plates or stereos, plans, specifications and like matter either purchased outright by GrainCorp under the Order, prepared at the request of GrainCorp under the Order, or for which the cost is included in the unit cost of the Goods.


Except as otherwise expressly agreed in writing signed by both the Supplier and GrainCorp, the Order is an offer, which is accepted by the Supplier upon the Supplier commencing work or supply under it or preparing for such work or supply (when communicated to GrainCorp), and constitutes the sole and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the Goods and/or Services. GrainCorp may adjust or cancel the Order prior to Supplier confirmation of acceptance or outside of agreed supply lead times. The Supplier will work with GrainCorp to reasonably agree any change or cancellation after Order acceptance or inside agreed supply lead times, so as to reasonably minimize costs to both parties. No terms stated by the Supplier in accepting or acknowledging the Order has any effect without GrainCorp’s prior written consent. The Order will be void after the Delivery Date unless otherwise stated or agreed. No cancellation or variation of the Order by the Supplier will be binding on GrainCorp unless agreed in writing by GrainCorp.


The prices set out in the Order are to the Delivery Location on advised Delivery Terms or if not stated, delivered duty paid (DDP) basis and fixed and firm unless otherwise indicated in the Order and include any tax (excluding GST), customs duty (and any other taxes, duties or levies) which may be payable in respect of the Order and any delivery charges, packaging, insurance, loading, unloading and storage costs. A variation to those prices will only be effective if expressly agreed to in writing by GrainCorp. If the price is not stated in the Order, it cannot be accepted by the Supplier until a price is agreed with GrainCorp and added to the Order. If the price is conditional to developing requirements these will be agreed with GrainCorp separately on a minimum price best efforts basis and the Order updated to reflect development milestones and agreed progression.


Time is of the essence in these Purchase Terms. Goods and/or Services must be delivered to the Delivery Location on the Delivery Terms (with final freight agreed where that location is not the final destination), or if not stated, delivered duty paid (DDP) to the final destination on the Delivery Date, unless otherwise agreed in writing and, if applicable to the nature of the Goods, must be delivered on clean pallets or containers and at the correct temperature.
If at any time, it appears to the Supplier that it will be unable to deliver the Goods and/or Services on or by the Delivery Date, it must immediately advise GrainCorp of the reasons for non-delivery and the proposed new delivery date. GrainCorp may (in its absolute discretion) accept, reject or negotiate the proposed new delivery date, and any agreed new delivery date will be treated as the Delivery Date. Goods and/or Services must be delivered at the time specified on the Order or, if no time is so specified, during the ordinary business hours of the Delivery Location. If the Goods and/or Services are to be imported across any jurisdiction and unless otherwise agreed in writing the Supplier is responsible for all requirements to ensure exportation and importation compliance, including but not limited to any registrations, taxes (excluding GST), duties and clearance through customs.


GrainCorp reserves the right to inspect the Goods at any time prior to delivery. GrainCorp has up to 7 days after delivery to accept the Goods, during which time it may carry out any reasonable inspection or test of the Goods. GrainCorp will not accept delivery of Goods if they are not accompanied by correct delivery dockets as specified in clause 8 on which GrainCorp’s’ Order number is quoted. The quantity of the Goods delivered will not differ from the amount stated on the Order. Where the quantity is not as stated GrainCorp at its sole discretion may either cancel the Order in whole or in part, refuse to accept any subsequent delivery of the Goods or claim damages for any costs, losses or expenses incurred by GrainCorp related to the failure to deliver the agreed quantities. GrainCorp’s acceptance of delivery does not release the Supplier from liability for faults or defects in the Goods and/or Services. The Supplier must, at the Supplier’s cost, if GrainCorp requires the Supplier to do so, promptly remove any non-conforming Goods from GrainCorp’s premises. The Supplier must not replace rejected goods except on written instructions from GrainCorp. GrainCorp in its sole discretion determines whether Goods and/or Services supplied are non-conforming. If the Supplier fails to remove non-conforming Goods, GrainCorp may arrange for their return and the Supplier must pay GrainCorp for all transportation charges for shipments to and from the Delivery Location, and all charges for labour, reloading, transportation and incidental expenses. GrainCorp will not be required to pay for non-conforming Goods and/or Services. Without limiting any other remedy GrainCorp may have, the Supplier must at GrainCorp’s election either:
promptly replace any non-conforming Goods and/or Services with Goods and/or Services which do meet the relevant standards or Specifications and which are acceptable to GrainCorp; or
refund to GrainCorp all money paid in respect of any rejected Goods and/or Services.


Subject to clause 6, property and risk in the Goods will pass to GrainCorp free of encumbrances and all other adverse interest (including any security interest as defined in the Personal Property Security Act 1999 on delivery to the Delivery Location.


a) Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, GrainCorp will pay for each correctly rendered invoice or statement within 30 days from the end of the month in which the invoice is received.
b) All the Supplier’s invoices, packing slips, documents or correspondence relating to the Goods and/or Services must bear the number specified on the Order. Where specified; Goods and/or Services material numbers must be stated on all documents. All invoices must be addressed to the invoicing address specified on the Order (if any is specified) or otherwise the Delivery Location. All invoices must also contain the GrainCorp material number(s) of the Goods (if applicable), description of the Goods and/or Services, the quantity of the Goods in bulk, weight or number, the GST exclusive price, the amount of any GST charged shown as a separate item, the GST inclusive price and comply in all other respects with the GST Act.
c) Where the requirement for a certificate of analysis is specified in the Order, the Goods must be accompanied by such certificate on their delivery to GrainCorp.
d) Where the Goods are required to be accompanied by a safety data sheet (SDS), the Supplier must provide the SDS on delivery at the Delivery Location and must provide copies of the SDS to GrainCorp whenever the SDS is revised


a)  The Supplier warrants that the Goods and/or Services:
i. comply with all Specifications or requirements stipulated by GrainCorp;
ii. do not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of a third party (either in their sale or use, alone or in combination);
iii. are fit for the purpose which the Supplier has been notified GrainCorp intends to use them or which they are commonly used;
iv. correspond with any description or sample the Supplier has previously provided to GrainCorp;
v. comply with all applicable statutory, government, regulatory and administrative requirements and conditions relevant to the Goods and/or Services, including (without limitation) in relation to:
1. the safety, manufacture, packaging, packing, labelling, transportation, importation, storage, delivery and sale of the Goods;
2. the nature, substance, quality, weight and measurement of the Goods; and
3. labour and employment.
b) The Supplier warrants that the Goods:
i. are and will remain of good and merchantable quality and free from all defects;
ii. are free from all encumbrances and all other interests (including any security interest as defined in the Personal Property Security Act 1999]) and GrainCorp will enjoy quiet possession of the Goods;
iii. where comprising food, or are to be incorporated into food products:
1. comply in all respects with the provision of any applicable statutes, standards, rules and regulations relating to health, pure food weights and measures in either Australia or New Zealand (whichever has been advised by GrainCorp or, if neither has been advised, the country of the Delivery Location), will be fit for human consumption, are not adulterated or contaminated in any way, not comprise and are not derived from any genetically modified organisms or products (except to the extent explicitly agreed by GrainCorp);
2. will be accompanied by details regarding exact origin of ingredients used to produce the Goods and their movements to ensure tracability and recall needs;
3. it will use all reasonable efforts to seek independent certification that its food safety and quality management system complies with food safety laws and will provide GrainCorp with a copy of same if requested; and
4. will have at least 85% of standard shelf life remaining on delivery to GrainCorp unless separately agreed in writing by GrainCorp.
c) The Supplier warrants that the Services will:
i. be performed by appropriately qualified and trained personnel;
ii. be performed with due care and skill; and
iii. comply with all directives and orders given by GrainCorp representatives or procedures communicated by GrainCorp to the Supplier.


a) Without limiting any of GrainCorp’s other legal rights, the Supplier indemnifies GrainCorp and its related bodies corporate, its officers, employees and agents against any loss, damage, claim, action or expense (including, without limitation, legal expenses) which GrainCorp or its related bodies corporate, officers, employees or agents suffer in connection with any of the following:
xii. a breach of these Purchase Terms by the Supplier;
xiii. any representation or warranty given by the Supplier being incorrect or misleading in any way;
xiv. any product liability claim or product recall relating to the Goods;
xv. any death or injury to a person, or any loss or damage to GrainCorp real or personal property or that of a third party caused by the negligent act or omission of the Supplier or any of its employees, agents, officers or contractors;
xvi. any negligent act, or failure to act, by the Supplier or any of the Supplier’s employees, agents, officers or contractors; and
xvii. any cross contamination, spillage, quality failure or loss of GrainCorp goods resulting from supply of faulty goods.
b) The Supplier is required to maintain at its own expense the following insurances:
i. insurance required by the Delivery Terms covering Goods in transit for their full replacement value to the Delivery Location;
ii. public liability insurance (and where relevant, product liability insurance) with coverage of not less than $10 million for any one occurrence covering the Supplier’s liability under the Order;
iii. where the Order relates to Services of a professional nature, professional indemnity insurance with coverage of no less than $5 million (unless otherwise stated on the Order) for any one claim and for a period of 7 years after the supply of such Services; and
iv. workers’ compensation insurance as required by applicable legislation.
c) This clause 10 survives termination or expiration of the Order.


GrainCorp will make no payment or deposit for packing, boxing, crating or containers for Goods unless otherwise expressly agreed by GrainCorp in the Order.


Any Tools are, and become the property of GrainCorp, unless otherwise agreed in writing by GrainCorp and are to be immediately delivered to GrainCorp on request. The Supplier may not, without first obtaining GrainCorp’s written permission, use any of the Tools to manufacture articles for any third party, notwithstanding that the Supplier ceases to manufacture the Goods, or supply the Goods to GrainCorp.


a) All Intellectual Property Rights owned by GrainCorp remains and will remain the property of GrainCorp.
b) If any of the Goods have been specifically designed for or requested by GrainCorp (“Custom Works”) all Intellectual Property Rights in, and relating to, the Custom Works will be GrainCorp’s property.
c) In respect of any Intellectual Property Rights in the Goods that belong to the Supplier or any third party, the Supplier grants GrainCorp a perpetual, transferable and royalty free license so that it may use the Goods as required.


 The Supplier must treat as confidential all information which GrainCorp provides to the Supplier or which otherwise originates from GrainCorp which is of a confidential nature (including the Order and all of GrainCorp’s Intellectual Property Rights, Specifications, strategies, projects, plans and financial information) and must not, without the prior written consent of GrainCorp, disclose, use or copy (or cause or allow to be disclosed, used or copied) any of that information other than for the performance of its obligations under the Order. The obligations set out in this clause 14 survive termination or expiration of the Order.


a) The Supplier must comply with all of GrainCorp’s policies and guidelines as may be referenced in the Order or as notified to the Supplier from time to time including, but not limited to, GrainCorp’s anti-bribery and corruption policy, Supplier Code of Conduct and relevant WH&S procedures at Delivery Locations.
b) The Supplier must notify GrainCorp if at any time the Supplier becomes aware of any practices, used in its operations and/or supply chains, which are inconsistent with GrainCorp’s anti-bribery and corruption policy, Supplier Code of Conduct or any relevant WH&S provisions at Delivery Locations.
c) If the Supplier:
i. is in breach of any of these Purchase Terms and fails to remedy that breach within 14 days of being notified of that breach by GrainCorp; or
ii. becomes Insolvent,
GrainCorp may terminate any order or contract, with the Supplier, to which these Purchase Terms apply.
d) The Supplier must not subcontract or assign the whole or any part of its rights or obligations under the contract formed by the Order without the prior written consent of GrainCorp.
e) The Supplier is an independent contractor of GrainCorp and nothing in these Purchase Terms constitutes any partnership or other fiduciary type of relationship between the parties.
f) Without prejudice to other rights and remedies, GrainCorp may deduct from any amount which may be or become payable to the Supplier under the Order any other amount due from the Supplier to GrainCorp.
g) The non-exercise of or delay in exercising any power or right of GrainCorp does not operate as a waiver of that power or right. A power or right of GrainCorp may only be waived in writing, signed by GrainCorp.
h) Any provision of these Purchase Terms which is unenforceable or partly unenforceable is, where possible, to be severed to the extent necessary to make the contract formed by these Purchase Terms and the Order enforceable, unless this would materially change the intended effect of the contract.
i) These Purchase Terms and the Order are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws applying from time to time in the state of New South Wales and the Supplier hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.


Kaniva (VIC)

Artists: David Lee Pereira Completed in 2020
Kaniva VIC 3419, Australia

Working 12-hour days, 7 days a week, artist David Lee Pereira finished up his vibrant masterpiece of an Australian hobby falcon and sun orchids endemic to the region in just over three weeks.

“I wanted to paint images significant to Kaniva and that reflect on the rare beauty of the landscape and uniqueness of the Little Desert,” David explains.

“The sun orchids only bloom for a few weeks in Spring and don't grow anywhere else in the world – a reminder of their rarity and, without more conversations about conservation of our native flora and fauna, they will disappear.

“Meanwhile, the Australian hobby is a symbol of the resilience and strength of our community – a totem in  response to 2020 and the pandemic.”

It was fantastic to work with Authority Creative, David Lee Pereira art and West Wimmera Shire Council on another iconic silo art mural.

Additional Links:

Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Thallon (QLD)

Artists: Joel Fergie and Travis Vinson
Completed in 2017

Thallon QLD 4497, Australia

Titled ‘The Watering Hole’ the mural portrays the Thallon district and its surrounding area to perfection. It features the Moonie River, an amazing Thallon sunset and the area’s agricultural base. It also recognises members of Thallon’s indigenous community by the inclusion of a scarred tree.

The overall inspiration for the mural comes from the work of three local photographers. They are Chantel McAlister’s ‘First Light’, the ‘Moonie River’ by Lila Brosnan and Gary Petrie’s shot of two pale face rosellas. ‘The Watering Hole’ was created from just a single A4 drawing, the imagination of the artists Joel and Travis and the Thallon Community.

The giant mural, which covers four 30-metre-high silos took just three weeks to complete using about 500 litres of paint and 500 paint spray cans.

Additional Links:
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Yelarbon (QLD)

Artists: Brightsiders
Completed in 2019

46 Railway Parade, Yelarbon QLD 4388, Australia

From the very first brushstrokes you knew that the GrainCorp Silos at Yelarbon were going to be one of a kind. The only set so far in Australia to have this unique shape of two tall and six shorter silos all in row.

A major contributor to the concept design was Joel Fergie, whose vision was to create an oasis in Yelarbon which sits on the edge of a spinifex desert. Yelarbon is a town which has now been in the grips of a drought for over two years. At the last minute though, Joel had to pull out of the painting of the silos due to health issues.

The artwork was created by Jordache Castillejos and Jordon Bruce of Brightsiders and Steve Falco from Procreative.

The overall mural concept titled ‘When the rain comes’ depicts a young boy at play, cooling off in the Yelarbon Lagoon. In his hand is a paper boat that is set to float across the Yelarbon lagoon which will one day stretch across all shorter six silos. The paper boat is made from historical newspaper remnants that were found in the old Yelarbon jail, symbolising the history of the region and the creativity needed to drive future endeavours.

Additional Links:
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Merriwa (NSW)

Artist: David Lee Pereira
Completed in 2019

Merriwa NSW 2329, Australia

The township of Merriwa is in New South Wales and is situated on the Golden Highway, between Newcastle and Dubbo. Merriwa offers many different activities and attractions and boasts the first ever painted GrainCorp silo in New South Wales.

International art management company Authority Creative represented Melbourne born artist David Lee Pereira, in his first ever silo mural creation. After visiting Merriwa and meeting with Upper Hunter Shire Council and members of the Merriwa community including - and perhaps most importantly - the school kids, David was inspired to create an artwork that was distinctive of the place, unique to the site and represented something the community would be proud of.

Why are there sheep wearing red socks?
Merriwa has long been known for high quality fine merino wool and the annual Festival of the Fleeces started in 1990. Red woollen socks were later donated to the Festival. Now the running of hundreds of sheep in red socks down the main street leading the festival parade, is an iconic image for the town.

Additional Links:
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Quirindi (NSW)

Artist: Peter Ryan Completed in 2022
Station St, Quirindi NSW 2343, Australia

The GrainCorp Silos at Quirindi NSW were completed in December 2022 by artist Peter Ryan, who was assisted by Keira Sloetjes and Kate Rutter.

The art on the silo tells the story of the past, present and future of the Liverpool Plains region It was inspired by fascinating Aboriginals stories about how certain animals worked with the indigenous community as helpers and protectors.

The northern side of the silo features Yurrandaali, the tree goanna, totem of the Liverpool Plains traditional lands, who is the protector of the lands.

To the right, the grey Bandaarr Kangaroo stands tall it is the knowledge holders and very wise, it would always be on the lookout and would sense any danger or troubles. It is red here to pay homage to Cumbo Gunnerah, also know as Red Cheif, a well-known Kamilaroi leader in this region. If there was trouble, the grey Bandaarr would tell the Tiluwidi Blue Bandaarr, who is the fastest kangaroo and therefore the messenger. It would hop off at great speeds to warn the other animals of the danger.


Katamatite (Vic)

Artist: Tim Bowtell Completed in 2023
36 Katamatite Rd, Katamatite VIC 3649, Australia

The Katamatite Lions Silo Art Working Group were the passionate driving force behind the project for years, with the support of Moira Shire Council.

The artwork showcases a Wedge Tailed eagle, symbolizing the connection to the metal eagle in the Lions Park and paying homage to the traditional owners, the Kwat Kwat/Bangerang people.

The left silo portrays indigenous figures camped along the Boosey Creek, and a Scar Tree runs down the centre, connecting the two silos.

The design also features local plants and rare wildflowers. The top right showcases the first passenger train engine that serviced Katamatite in its early settlement days.

The bottom of both silos features a depiction of horses pulling a scoop to create irrigation channels, which played a crucial role in opening up the region to farming.


Walpeup (Vic)

Artist: Julian Clavijo and Camilo Delgado Completed in 2023
26 Cregan St, Walpeup VIC 3507, Australia
Internationally renowned artist Julian Clavijo, in collaboration with Camilo Delgado, has been chosen to complete the mural, which will pay tribute to Walpeup’s Anzac history and the local men and women who served in war. The artwork will depict the story of Walpeup local Harold Thomas Bell, who enlisted at just 16 years old in Australia’s WWI efforts before sadly losing his life in the Battle of Bersheba.


Lake Boga (Vic)

Artist: Tim Bowtell Completed in 2023
43 Station St, Lake Boga VIC 3584, Australia

The GrainCorp Silos at Lake Boga were painted by renowned silo artist Tim Bowtell in October 2023. Led by local group Lake Boga Incorporated, they spent five years planning how best to tell its story.

Painted by renowned local artist, Tim Bowtell, the mural reflects the town’s history, including the Catalina Flying Boat and its officer Georgie Urquhart “Scotty” Allan, who had a remarkable career as an aviator during WWII.


Goroke (Vic)

Artist: Geoffrey Carran Completed in 2020
1 Railway St, Goroke VIC 3412, Australia

Beginning in late September 2020 and completing 7 weeks later in November, New Zealand-born artist Geoffrey Carran painted the GrainCorp silos at Goroke.

Geoffrey loves painting birds and has experience working on large-scale murals. He has  previously painted bird murals at Edenhope, Balmoral, Niddrie, and Naracoorte. He has also had exhibitions in Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, England and the United States.

Depicted on this mural are native birds, the Kookaburra, Magpie and Galah, significant to the town and region in front of local landscapes.

Additional Links:
Documentary on the project
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Sea Lake (Vic)

Artists: Joel Fergie & Travis Vinson Completed in 2019
33 Railway Ave, Sea Lake VIC 3533, Australia

The GrainCorp Silos at Sea Lake were painted by Joel Fergie, aka The Zookeeper and Travis Vinson, aka Drapl in October 2019.

The artwork depicts a young girl swinging from a mallee eucalyptus tree gazing out over the endless vista that is Lake Tyrrell. A powerful Wedge Tail Eagle saws above the girl and emus run off into the night. For millennia, this lake has existed, unchanged and untouched. It is a place of wonder and story. In this ever-increasing busy day and age, people universally long for space and solitude.

Additional Links:
Documentary of the project
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Devenish (Vic)

Artist: Cam Scale Completed in 2018 & 2019
28 Main St, Devenish VIC 3726, Australia

The GrainCorp Silos at Devenish in North East Victoria were painted by Melbourne Street Artist Cam Scale and were the 19th to be included in the Australian Silo Art Trail.

Stage one was officially unveiled on Anzac Day in 2018. Marked as a tribute to help celebrate the 100-year centenary of the end of the First World War.

The artwork depicts a stunning image of a WW1 nurse and a modern female military medic in the Australian Armed Forces. This mural also depicts the changing role of women in the military and society in general.

Stage two was officially unveiled one year later on Anzac Day, 2019. This mural is a tribute to the Australian Light Horse. The Australian Light Horse were mounted troops with characteristics of both cavalry and mounted infantry, who served in the Second Boer War and WW1.

Fifty young men and women from the Devenish Community enlisted in the military services in WW1. At the time, that was one in six residents from this very tiny town. Cam Scale also wanted to honour the seven Devenish diggers that never made it home.

Additional Links:
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


St James (Vic)

Artist: Tim Bowtell
Completed in 2018 & 2019

23 Devenish Rd, St James VIC 3727, Australia

Painted by artist Tim Bowtell, the silos pay tribute to St James rich history.

St James is the home the first Coles store. Sir George Coles grew up in the St James township and took over the St James General Store from his father, expanding it to the empire it is today. See Sir Coles and the original general store portrayed on one of the murals.

The other murals depict St James' grain transporting history. Before the railway extension in 1886, St James was the drop off point for all the wheat from Tungamah in the North, Warby Range to the East and Yabba to the West.

In the 1915-16 season, a record of 405,000 bushels (135,000 bags) of wheat was transported to St James by horse and wagon, a motif that is displayed in the artwork.

Additional Links:
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Rochester (Vic)

Artist: Jimmy DVate Completed in 2018 & 2021
Rochester VIC 3561, Australia

Rochester is a small country town in Victoria approximately 180 km north of Melbourne. The Campaspe River runs right through the town which forms part of the Murray-Darling basin

The waters of the Campaspe River have been disrupted. Environmental flows are important to maintain threatened vegetation communities, aquatic life and habitat for many terrestrial species, such as the threatened swift parrot and squirrel gilder. The ongoing effect of declining river flows causes loss of habitat for many species of flora and fauna resulting in a decline of population for many forms of wildlife.

Jimmy D'Vate, one of Australia's most well-known mural artists was chosen to paint the GrainCorp Silos at Rochester. Whenever Jimmy takes on a commission, where possible he will always try to feature local endemically threatened species and in this case, he chose the Azure King Fisher and the Squirrel Glider.
The GrainCorp Silos at Rochester were painted in July 2018 and were the 22nd silos to be included in the Australian Silo Art Trail.

Stage two began in 2021, and Jimmy chose to showcase an endemically threatened species showcasing the large Duck-Billed Platypus. The Duck-Billed Platypus is often just referred to as the platypus since it is the only living platypus species today in Australia.

Located in certain parts of Australia only, platypus numbers are drastically low, and this unique creature is now at risk of extinction.

Additional Links:
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Rosebery (Vic)

Artist: Kaff-eine
Completed in 2017

Rosebery VIC 3395, Australia

The GrainCorp Silos at Rosebery were completed in late 2017 and was the 13th to be included in the Australian Silo Art Trail.

Before commencing her artwork on the Rosebery silo, Melbourne based artist Kaff-eine, spent time in the Mallee assisting “Rone” on the Lascelles silo mural project. Kaff-eine also used this time to travel between the neighbouring communities. She discovered the natural wonders of the environment around her and acquainted herself with the local families, farmers and business owners of the area also. By doing this Kaff-eine identified the elements that she felt truly represented the spirit and tenacity of the Mallee.

On one silo she captures the image of a young female farmer, a strong woman who is used to the hardships of the land. Her clothes are work-shirt and jeans with turned down cowboy boots and depict the life she lives. Her sufferings through drought and the other hardships of the land.

On the other silo is a man sharing a tender moment with a very close friend. He portrays the image of the typical Mallee farmer with his Akubra hat, boots and oilskin vest. Whereas the horse, with head bent shows its mutual trust, love and genuine affection for his companion and owner.

Additional Links:
Documentary on the project
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Lascelles (Vic)

Artist: Rone
Completed in 2017

Lascelles VIC 3487, Australia

Renowned Melbourne Street Artist “Rone” painted the images of a local couple Geoff and Merrilyn Horman on the GrainCorp silos at Lascelles in the WimmeraMallee Victoria.

The town has a population of just 48 people on a good day, but Rone selected the Hormans above all others. They are a humble couple, who are both wise and knowing and who have nurtured the town with their vast farming experience and longstanding connection to the area.

Their family has lived in the area for four generations. Geoff and Merrilyn were both born in the district and then married later in Lascelles in 1967. Together with their two sons and now their families also, they have continued the family tradition of wheat farming and strong community involvement.

In mid 2017 Rone worked for two weeks to transform these two 1939 GrainCorp silos which now portray Geoff and Merrilyn looking over their hometown forever.

They were the eighth silos to be included in the Australian Silo Art Trail

Additional Links:
Documentary on the project
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Patchewollock (Vic)

Artist: Fintan Magee
Completed in 2016

Patchewollock VIC 3491, Australia

Patchewollock is a town in the north-west region of Victoria. It also marks the beginning of the 'Silo Art Trail' from its northern end.

The GrainCorp Silos at Patchewollock were the fourth silos to join the Australian Silo Art Trail and the second to be painted in the WimmeraMallee region of Victoria.

They were painted by Brisbane artist Fintan Magee. For inspiration, and to get to the know the people of the area, Fintan booked a room at the local pub so he could mix among the local community.

It wasn’t long before he met the subject for the Patchewollock Silos. A hard working local by the name of Nick “Noodle” Hulland, who exemplified the no-nonsense, hardworking spirit of the region.

This twin silos were built in 1939 and transformed in late 2016.

Additional Links:
Documentary on the project
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Sheep Hills (Vic)

Artist: Adnate
Completed in 2016

445 Sheep Hills-Minyip Rd, Sheep Hills VIC 3392, Australia

The GrainCorp Silos at Sheep Hills are the 5th silos to be included in the Australian Silo art trail and the 3rd in the Wimmera-Mallee region of Victoria.

Adnate, who is a Melbourne based artist, has spent much of his career telling the stories of First Nations people and their native lands by painting wonderful murals of them throughout Australia.

To get inspiration for this mural, Adnate spent time among the Barengi Gaijin Land Council in north-west Victoria, building friendships and getting to know the people better.

Adnate's mural is of a Wergaia Elder named Uncle Ron Marks, along with a Wotjobaluk Elder, Aunty Regina Hood. They both stand beside two young children, Savannah Marks and Curtly McDonald.

Conceived over four weeks in late 2016, Adnate wanted to shine the spotlight on the areas  young First Nations people, but he also wanted to portray their strong ancestral connection that they share with the elders in their communities.

Additional Links:
Documentary on the project
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page


Brim (Vic)

Artist: Guido van Helten.
Completed in 2016

1991 Henty Hwy, Brim VIC 3391, Australia

In January 2016, nine months after the completion of the Northam Silos in Western Australia, the GrainCorp silos in Brim, in the Wimmera-Mallee region of Victoria, were painted by world
renowned Australian artist Guido Van Helten.

Guido was raised in Brisbane and was a graffiti artist in his youth. He is now well known for his photorealistic murals.

The Brim mural infused the town and region of the Mallee with newfound energy. It offered anticipation of growth and prosperity for the surrounding farmers and families of the area and was the beginning of the Silo Art Trail in Victoria.

The faces on the mural are anonymous, but they are said to portray a multi-generational quartet of farmers both male and female who show the strength and resilience that is required to be a country Victorian farmer.

Additional Links:
Documentary on the project
Drone footage
Australian Silo Art Trail Page